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Humans of Partnership: Cynthia Beaulieu

Portrait of Cynthia

Access to tuition reimbursement has allowed me the opportunity to go for my doctorate in organizational leadership. In one of my classes, I learned about positive psychology for leaders and how to help them become more resilient. I discuss this with employees and incorporate the concepts into my presentations to stewards and unit-based team health and safety champions. I feel very fortunate that the partnership and Kaiser Permanente value continuing education. I definitely would not be going for my doctorate right now if it weren’t for the educational funds. I also love the Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust. It offers me free continuing education so I’m able to maintain my credentials, which can also be very expensive. Being able to keep up my credentials at zero cost is amazing. You can’t beat that – it’s invaluable. There’s a website you can access for all these courses and it's free with the BHMT. It’s an untapped resource – I just learned about it last year.

Cynthia Beaulieu, Total Health labor lead, OFNHP (Northwest)