Hank Q2Q3-2020
See the whole issueEditor's Letter

Hank magazine goes all-digital, like so many other things during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A new day dawns
Welcome to e-Hank! The national Labor Management Partnership communications team is pleased to serve you in this new format, and we’re grateful to those of you who’ve reached out and said you miss the print editions of Hank. But until the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic subsides, an electronic communication seems best.
This issue looks at how our Partnership — which now includes 2 union federations, with separate National Agreements — helped Kaiser Permanente meet the extraordinary challenges that a worldwide pandemic brought to our doors. We’ve never been tested like this before. And how we’ve responded in the last several months provides a look at how we will respond and grow and adapt to future challenges. The dialogue and collaboration that have been taking place during the pandemic are a model for the future.
In this e-edition of Hank, we’re also introducing 2 concepts we think will help strengthen the culture of partnership throughout the enterprise.
The first is a renewed focus on The Basics — tips, tools and stories that will help you understand the core philosophy of the Labor Management Partnership and what it means to work in partnership. New to the Partnership? These materials will help show why Kaiser Permanente and the Partnership unions that belong to the Alliance of Health Care Unions or the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions are committed to it as an operating strategy. Been around for a while? Dive in and refresh your knowledge of the principles and processes that make our Partnership a success.
The second is a new focus on Joy in Work, a concept pioneered by the Institute of Healthcare Improvement. By Joy in Work, we don’t mean smiley faces or i’s that are dotted with hearts. We hope our Joy in Work stories and tools will help you connect with your deeper, personal motivations for working in the demanding health care field. The stats show that people who feel this sort of connection — this fundamental Joy in Work — are less likely to suffer from depression and burnout.
Lastly, don’t miss the back cover, which provides a quick refresh on a core principle that helps our Labor Management Partnership thrive: Free to Speak. It’s a reminder that your voice matters. Thank you for reading this and for all your hard work. Together, there is strength in partnership.